At NOLATOWN, we specialize in helping businesses across the pond transform their operations, increase profitability, and stay ahead in the global market. Our team of skilled professionals are on the ground working with the Republic of Tanzania through The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar to identify areas for improvement in agriculture and aquaculture development and implement solutions that deliver results. Through our strategic partnerships with YONA Trading Group, Tanzania Agricultural Catalytic Trust, Crisis Assistance Initiative, Alithea Consulting Group and BLESS 4Ward, we are committed to bringing non-recourse funding through our professional services for a long-term relationship with our brothers and sisters in Africa.
ONE + ACRE of land can be configured in various ways to accommodate as few as 25 or as many as 100 veterans. We propose 50 as the ‘Best’ number due to the functionality; production and support teams that can be structured with 50 individuals and lower impact on the surrounding community. The facility will provide housing, centralized food preparation, work out and office and learning facilities, vegetable and fish production along with job training and manufacturing facilities and support personnel allowing the facility to produce more sophisticated affordable housing alternatives for the masses, which can be shipped or deployed to other facilities.
Combined with water production and catchment, solar and wind energy production and roof side gardens and patios the community will function as an attractive contained facility capable of supporting many temporary individuals and even some permanent families (with increased density).
It’s not a question of if – but when – an individual or organization will experience a serious security breach. Cyber criminals are using more sophisticated and targeted attacks to steal everything from valuable intellectual property to the sensitive personal and financial information of individuals, customers, partners, and employees. Their motivations run the gamut from financial to political to retaliatory. With enough time and money, they can breach the security defenses of even the largest enterprises. And a poorly contained breach and/or botched response have the potential to cost millions to a business or perhaps kill it entirely, ruin personal and professional reputations, and even take down an entire country.
Considering the foregoing, we’re thrilled to be offering our project funding services to Ghost Systems, Inc.
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